Xử lý đơn hàng và giao hàng


Upon receipt of full payment and full personalization details, it will take the indicated turnaround time on each item's listing for your order to be processed as each product is handcrafted to order. After the processing time, the order will be shipped to the specified shipping address using the method you selected at check-out.

Therefore, please note that order arrival time = processing time + shipping time. Please take this into consideration when estimating your order arrival time.




Domestic (within US)

Shipping Method


Ship date

Shipping time

USPS First Class mail (with tracking)


2-3 weeks from order date

Approx. 3-7 days from ship date

USPS Priority mail (with tracking)


2-3 weeks from order date

Approx. 2-3 days from ship date

DHL (with tracking)


2-3 weeks from order date

Approx. 2 days from ship date



International (outside of the US)**

Shipping Method


Ship date

Shipping time

Standard International Mail (with tracking)


2-3 weeks from order date

Approx. 2-4 weeks from ship date

DHL Express Mail (with tracking)


2-3 weeks from order date

3-5 days from ship date


*Delivery time may vary depending on weather conditions, post offices, carriers and other unforeseeable circumstances.

**International customers are responsible for international duties & taxes if any. Shipping time of international orders in rare occasions can vary hugely due to hold-up at custom. Therefore, for items shipped to addresses outside of the US, please consider these factors before placing your order to avoid disappointment.